some old pics

Haven't posted on this site in years but we still have these wonderful dogs.  Thought I'd finally post this draft from some really old pics I found.  

My Soapbox

As a "responsible" dog owner, I have had many offensive encounters with other less understanding dog owners regarding my pit bulls. My two sweet girls, Ethel and Eleanor, are well socialized, smart, love to play and cuddle, go to a doggie-daycare once a week and know both verbal and hand signals. My older dog Eleanor, even has a Canine Good Citizen Certificate from the AKC. Regardless of all these positive things, I still get the occasional rude and hurtful comment from clueless dog owners.

In response I often clam up or ignore people. What is an appropriate comment to make towards people who insult your very family? How do you respond to such a complex issue where there are many negative myths that are perpetrated and many truths hidden about the temperment, trainig and history of a dog? It seems even well-meaning articles place excessive blame on the breed itself. I have a little soapbox I try not to stand on too often. Due to the recent news of Michael Vick and dog fighting in addition to any given article througout the country that seems to make it to the desk of less savory dog owners, I am on a campaign to set the world right about pit bulls, one person at a time.

Amongst the articles that I've found that explain the breed with an open mind and with actual reliable facts, this New Yorker article does a nice job of exploring the issue from all sides.

Due to my rising knowledge that other people are often misinformed, I am on a mission and have been since I got my first pit bull Eleanor when she was 8 weeks old, fostered 3 pit bulls (one whom I've adopted) and met countless others who are positive representatives for the breed. My mission is this. Without beating people over the head, I'd like to remind them of the ignorance and stereotypes that we allow ourselves to believe in so many situations, specifically, pit bulls.

Check back for article links, comments and continuing dialogue about my favorite breed, pits!

Summer Lovin'

Oscar is back-his family had a change of life plans. He's looking for a great home.
Ethel had a little "growth" removed from her leg and she's been hanging out with collar.
Eleanor is catching some winks after long days of playing with her sister and her foster brother.

A Day for Dogs

Well, Happy May Everyone!

The weather is starting to get nicer and summer is quickly approaching. These are the "dog days of summer" as they say. What better time to get some important information about being a responsible pet owner? The Alternative Humane Society (Whatcom Co.) is sponsoring a day of dog education. Below is the information about the schedule of events. For more information, location and a map, click HERE. I plan on attending and learning more about how to be a good pet owner and keep myself and my dogs happy.

Dogs who are spayed/neutered, healthy, polite, and on leash are welcome to attend with their people. Presenter Schedule: (presentations running in two areas consecutively)

11:30 Angie Lenz, Tails-a-Wagging Doggie Daycare:"Dog Personality Assessment"

12:30 Colleen Aldrich: "Animal Communication and Wellness"

12:30 Stephanie Packman: "Pet Nutrition"

1:30 LeAnn Ishcomer, Fetch Training: "Think Like a Dog"

1:30 Stephanie Packman:"Fun Training Tips for Kids (and adults!) and Their Dogs"

2:30 Vicki Niles: "Basic Dog Care from a Kid's Point of View"

2:30 Debbie Craig, Summit Assistance Dogs: "Love Unleashed"

3:30 Colleen Aldrich: "Animal Communication and Wellness"

Here are a few photos of dogs to keep you happy. Have a great day. Hope to see you there.

Another Successful Adoption

We are very happy to report that Oscar has found a loving home. A family in the Seattle area (Rachael, Garret & Braden) have adopted Oscar. We are so excited that he has a new family that will love him, cuddle with him and keep him occupied. He has been so much fun (and challenge) to get to know and to spend time with. He went from a frantically mounting and hyper little dog to a much more mellowed out and mannered little man. Congratulations to his new family and to AHS for another successful adoption. We feel lucky to have met one more beautiful pit bull who is making a better name for PB's every where he goes! Just a few photos from his last days with us. We'll miss you Oscar.